





從某一年開始,我短宣回來時,朋友和同事們會非常好奇我去做了什麼。有一年,在回國一個月內,我跟超過30位在台灣,美國,大陸接觸到的許多人分享 (同事,合作廠商,客戶,等等),他們不約而同要我講短宣時的故事 。也不記得是哪一年開始,很多人問我 “我不是基督徒,我也能參加嗎?”




就像是福音書中登山變相後,彼得說 “我們在這裡真好!”(馬可福音 9:5),耶穌依舊是帶領門徒下山,繼續帶來天國的影響力。常常在短宣時經歷神,回國後還是難以忘懷,好像回到日常生活中,經歷神不是常態。





“並且照明你們心中的眼睛,使你們知道祂的恩召有何等指望,祂在聖徒中得的基業有何等豐盛的榮耀” (以弗所書 1:18)


Post-mission thoughts 

Going on mission trips is like getting a front row seat to see God do amazing things. So what happens after you come back to your everyday life?

There was one time on my bus ride to my office, I was stressing over something at work. Then, I remembered that just a while ago in my mission trip to Thailand, our theme song was “I lift up my eyes to the mountains (where does my help come from?)” , we taught about praying in faith. Looking at myself, why is it that I didn’t practice what I preached? I immediately started to pray and ask God for His help, just like how I taught the kids.

I don’t remember what I was stressing about, but I remember this moment of revelation and reminder.

I also don’t remember when it started, but from one year all my friends and colleagues started to show interest in my mission trips. That year after I got back from a mission trip, I travelled around, and within a month I shared our story with at least 30 people, including coworkers, partners, and even customers. Also, I started to get questions like “I’m not Christian, can I join?”

Most of these people are not Christian, and not necessarily interested in the gospel. But when I share about what church is doing on mission trips , the power of unity, the healings, the transformations, the miracles and wonders, most people show interest. People might not understand the teachings terminologies of church, but they can easily recognize the powerful impact and fruits of God’s kingdom.

Just like in the book of Mark, when the disciples saw God’s glory in Jesus’s transfiguration, Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here!” (Mark 9:5), Jesus still led them down the mountain and continued His work of revealling the Kingdom in everyday life. Many times when we come back from a mission trip, the PMS (Post Mission Syndrome) kicks in and we linger on those feelings, as if it’s much harder for us to experience God in normal life.

After years of mission trips, I have a new perspective. Those amazing experiences in the front row seat shows that we serve a living God. It gives me the courage to believe and start to expect God continue to do His work beyond the trip. If I was filled during those trips, I want to see overflow in my daily life. As a porter of grace, we bring what we have from Taiwan as a gift to the mission field, and we also bring back new anointing when we return.

May we see the challenges in our marketplace and an opportunity to collaborate with our Father God

May the new anointing we receive during mission trips give us renewed courage to serve our market place.

“And [I pray] that the eyes of your heart [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with light by the Holy Spirit], so that you will know and cherish the hope [the divine guarantee, the confident expectation] to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints (God’s people)” (Eph 1:18)

“Do it again”




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